Saturday, 7 May 2011

Sex Education For Kids

With society advancing, children are becoming sexually active at earlier ages. What kids should know about sex starts with the parents. There are many parents who are afraid of that famous "birds and the bees" talk. Sex is not something that should be taken lightly. There are lots of consequences if your child doesn't know the proper things about sex. Whether raise a nice Christian household, kids are going to have sex in today's world. Some things to what kids should know about sex are: 

1. Condom use- There is different ways to approach this topic. By introducing the condom to your child, they will know what they are and how to use them properly. For children practicing sex, if the condom is too hard to put on correctly, they will not use one at all. This will put your kid in very bad danger.     

2. Diseases- Teach your kid all about the different diseases that come from sex. Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and the worst of all AIDS are just a few things to what your child can catch if they are not practicing safe sex with their partner. As children get older, they become smarter on the ways of safe sex, but it is challenging to keep an eye on your children at all times.    

3. Pregnancies- This is a big thing amongst teenagers who do not think it a good idea to practice safe sex. Pregnancies are a steady rise with children just because many parents would rather have the school teach their children of sex only to have the child skip the class. With the increase of hormones and testosterones amongst teenagers, it is no wonder why the temptation of sex arises. Keeping the children safe from pregnancies is the best we could do as parents for our children.    

For parents, it is hard when you have to talk to your kids about sex. There are many things kids should know about sex to help them protect themselves from the dangers. As parents it is your duty to protect your children in all forms of harm. When you teach your child of the proper uses of sex and when the best time to have it, then your children will respect your decisions. Be a part of your children's lives and you will know when the right time to sit down with them and give them the talk that they have needed for a while. Keep your children safe.

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